The RAPT Foundation
Restricted Assistance Projects
The RAPT Foundation in the past few years has provided food, housing, medication, medical supplies, ambulances, construction assistance for facilities as medical centers, education centers, outdoor comedors (public kitchens and food distribution sites), housing, adult education centers and now pre-natal centers. We strive to keep our faith by helping others who are in need. Please join us in our mission.
Feeding Program Project

It's been a blessing to give back, donate, and see the changes that the RAPT Foundation have been able to provide to other.
Vision of The Frances Taylor Family Learning Centre Feeding Program
To be a centre where street children are helped to become responsible adults,
live reasonably and have a dignified life. Mission Frances Taylor Family Learning Centre Feeding Programme exists to show love
to street children by bringing them closer to their family for we believe God has given each one of us the power and goodness to live a dignified life.
Main Goal
To reduce the number of street children and improve their quality of life through creating awareness on the issues of exploitation, neglect and any kind of abuse which might put their lives at risk.
NB: Daily we provide meals for approximately 200children per day. We try to give a healthy balanced diet to our children and all meals are freshly
cooked in centre’s kitchen by trained cook. The cost of providing food for one day at the Centre is approximately 450Kshs. The current exchange rate is roughly 82 Kshs to the Dollar. We depend totally on donations from friends and well wishes for foods for this on – going feeding programme we thank you for taking an interest in this project. Any donation however small, will be greatly appreciated.
Memorial Sponsorships Opportunities




Changing Lives Through Fellowship & Relationships
Take an initial step towards your donation by filling out this form!
Until our online donation and processing is up and running please, fill out the form with all your information and we will contact you and speak to you directly. We appreciate your time and donation. We look forward to speaking soon.
Want to Mail in your Donation? Download the form below, print, and mail. We appreciate you.
Checks Payable to: RAPT Foundation
Return to ; RAPT Foundation PO Box 1110, Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095 Contact Fr. Ron Cioffi-Campaign Chair at: 917-594-1507