Water Tank Project

The RAPT Foundation

Restricted Assistance Projects

The RAPT Foundation in the past few years has provided food, housing, medication, medical supplies, ambulances, construction assistance for facilities as medical centers, education centers, outdoor comedors (public kitchens and food distribution sites), housing, adult education centers and now pre-natal centers. We strive to keep our faith by helping others who are in need. Please join us in our mission.

Water Tank Project

Water is a God given essential and should be available to everyone.

We were able to fund three water tanks, so that our new maternity unit can have a reliable source of clean water. A supply of clean water, especially during the long dry season, has enabled us to work very efficiently with our delivery service.

The settlement of Mutito lies in a semi-arid area, some two to three hours (depending on the condition of the dirt road) from the nearest town in Kitui County. Our dispensary is very near the town of Mutito. We provide many good health services for the rural community. Recently, electricity came our way, so now our services can be even better. Water supply is our big problem… we rely mostly on rain-water stored in tanks. Because of the addition of the maternity unit, we need to harvest even more water. We have the following plan………..

We are hoping to get a supply of water from a water scheme, now almost finished (water harvested from the bed of a local seasonal river). This water is passing by the dispensary and we have requested a connection. We therefore need three tanks, each holding 10,000 litres. the cost of one is approximately 70,000 Kenyan shillings. Above is the picture of what one tank looks like.

We humbly request some funding to help our needy cause.
Many thanks for all the ways in which you have assisted us.

Memorial Sponsorships Opportunities

Changing Lives Through Fellowship & Relationships

Take an initial step towards your donation by filling out this form!

Until our online donation and processing is up and running please, fill out the form with all your information and we will contact you and speak to you directly. We appreciate your time and donation. We look forward to speaking soon.

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Checks Payable to:  RAPT Foundation

Return to ; RAPT Foundation PO Box 1110, Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095 Contact Fr. Ron Cioffi-Campaign Chair at: 917-594-1507